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5/18/2014 11:16:55 PM

I'm beginning my spiritual journey

so i'm not sure if any of you know Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Amatue. a little while back she made the rounds as the Human Barbie. for that reason i pretty much ignored all of her news. but i recently watched her Vice video and i have to say, i've never known someone to be possessed by such spiritual predispositions. not only this, but i have had experiences similar to hers, but had no idea what they were or what they meant. so i became curious. i'm trying my hardest to find ways to learn more of what she has to say, but i remembered that is full of interesting people, so i thought i'd see if any of you would like to share anything you know or have experienced relating to a spiritual world. whether it's as placid as lucid dreaming, or something more occult, or even proper dieting and exercise (spiritual and physical). this stuff is pretty interesting and any knowledge you have would be appreciated :)



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  • 由Obi Wan Stevobi编辑: 5/19/2014 4:57:14 PM
    Ever hear of Cargo Cults? During WWII, US troops occupied several islands inhabited by isolated tribes. They gave things to the locals. After the war, the troops left. The local tribes didn't understand where these magical beings that brought things from the sky had gone. In an effort to bring them back, they tried to re-create US army bases. [url=]They marched around with sticks like the soldiers they had seen.[/url] [url=]They built airplanes out of sticks[/url]. [url=]They tried to look like US soldiers[/url]. [url=]They even built stick tanks[/url]. All of this in an effort to try to lure their Gods back. The point of mentioning all this? It shows how ridiculous these fad religions look and sound when you view them from the outside. When weirdo Barbie girl is talking about her spiritual breakthroughs, all I can picture is some poor tribesman in the middle of the ocean constructing a stick plane hoping the US military gods will once again visit him.



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