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由Funkbrotha10编辑: 7/7/2014 10:01:54 PM

EvE Online History Timeline 11-1-2012 - 6-1-2014

This shows notable events in New Eden and the average concurrent users for that period. Summer update is also going live in the next week or two. So activity has been picking up pretty quickly for us EvE players. There has been some notable combat activity between a couple entities in the last few days. One such incident involving 1,000+ pilots. However this incident didn't escalate to the point that other's have in the past. Although with some of the changes in the new update there could be a lot of small-scale corporate engagements in High-Security space. I myself have been creating a "bug out plan" in the even that things get hairy in the systems that I operate in. AMA about EvE online. long time player here.



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