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由burritosenior编辑: 7/20/2014 1:18:24 AM

*FINISHED* Respawn Vs. Bungie- FIGHT

[quote]NOTE: The games are now over. The end result is as follows: Game 1: Tie Game 2: Respawn Game 3: Respawn Game 4: Bungie Game 5: Respawn* That's right Respawn, I gave you an asterisks next to your win! You'll have to show us what's what in round two, next time on Destiny! Looking forward to another set of good games with some good people. Cheers![/quote] This Saturday at 4:00 PM PDT the Community will be facing off against the Respawn community in a battle between titans. By that, I mean Titanfall! This is courtesy of Zython, a moderator over at who live streamed the Titanfall Community Carnage a week ago, as well as with the help of Hylebos. This is part of a small series we would like to do, with the next involving Destiny after launch! The teams are as follows: [quote][b][u]RESPAWN TEAM:[/b][/u] -Zython (GT: zython) -LordPuck (GT: LordPuck) -AshenWolf (GT: Ashen Wolf) -Bassani (GT: Bassani 097) -HotJuicyPie (GT: Hot Juicy Pie) -Jeamscott (GT: Nocendusest) Alternates: -CAT4 (GT: CAT4) -JTR277 (GT: JTR277) -Hamburglar86 (GT: hamburglar86) -BayCity (GT: x BayCity x) [b][u]BUNGIE TEAM:[/b][/u] -burritosenior (GT: burritosenior) -Hylebos (GT: Hylebos) -Fridge Gnome (GT: Fridge Gnome) -Viperconn (GT: Viperconn) -DMHCook (GT: DmH HALO) -Braydzz (GT: Braydzz) Alternates: -Im Here To Help (GT: Jaywalkas) -Said teh Beat (GT: Said teh Bear) Shield Break (GT: Shields Fading) UphillMercury (GT: UphillMercury) MiloOmega (GT: MiloOmega) DeRyze (GT: DeRyze) Lorelock (GT: Lorelock VII) [/quote] [quote] -GAMES: 1: CTF: Training Ground. -Respawn & Bungie bases launch a full scale attack to capture the other's flag as ceasefire agreements fail 2: Pilot Hunter: Angel City -The aftermath of the flag theft has left Respawn & Bungie forces seeking to assassinate opposing pilots 3: Last Titan Standing: Demeter -In order to cripple eachother's Titan supply, Respawn & Bungie forces engage in heavy warfare 4: Hardpoint: Outpost 207 -The final battle for control of orbital defense cannons will turn the tide of the war 5: Tungle (infinite titans): Colony -Respawn & Bungie forces have secured infinite funds from an anonymous donor, and plan to use every cent[/quote] The event will be livestreamed at: If you have Titanfall on the Xbox One and would like to support us, feel free to sign up as an alternate (just in case, since accidents happen!). And please remember Titanfall's Private Match system is still in Beta and does have issues, so you'll need to pardon our dust. Anyways, we're looking forward to a good set of games between communities, so, wish us luck and please do chime in during the stream to support us! We crushed Waypoint the last two times we have faced off between communities- let's see if we can beat Respawn's community at their own game!



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