So, I was mislead by the exciting post as to saying we may get an extension... Most people just got the BETA last night, isn't it just plain out cruel to close the servers when so many new people are just getting the game today or even last night? I was really hoping for an extension as I was out of town for work and have not had the opportunity to even test the game and I PREORDERED IT and had a code ETC I just find it so stupid to give false hope like that Bungie... Hell I should of saved my life by not downloading it then... Could of saved me 13 gigs of Bandwidth on my ISP, I really see no point in continuing my Preorder since I was let down and waited since Alpha BECAUSE YOU GUYS DECLINED ME... I've waited months to try this game, and now I am loosing the "hype" this game has to offer with the lack of communication from Bungie. Thanks for getting mine and the hundreds or thousands hopes up for an extension and then shattering them completely.