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由Matuzz编辑: 8/2/2014 3:08:53 PM

So lets talk about the PvP Netcode!

After playing both alpha and beta, the number one problem I had was the netcode. [b]Examples:[/b] You shoot a guy and your hits register with delay. You keep shooting some one with shotgun for example and they might not take any damage. You punch someone and you both die for example punching someone after they punch you. Vehicles not making any damage to other vehicles or players. This at least for me happened in most matches and there was no visible lag in any of my games like suttering or players teleporting. It was all about the hit registeration and delays. I think this rules out plain normal lag as I was playing ton of crucible and almost every match had this problem and I have good connection and Open NAT. I know that many others had these problems but I'm really surprised there is not much talk about these PvP connection problems. So describe your problems, how often they occured and what kind of connection you had.



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  • Personally I didn't see any of this. (360, and didn't do a huge amount of pvp, but I did pay attention to what I was seeing, rather than being focused on melting face) If they persist in the release, you'll see a little more bitching. I'm curious to know if people experienced this more on PSN or XBL. (Bungie had more time to learn how the server loads needed to be balaned for the PSN clients.) I expect a lot of this to get ironed out before release. The beta was mostly about Bungie gathering data to figure out how much load users were going to generate and where it would be heaviest. Now they know. They'll act accordingly. (else they wouldn't have bothered to gather the data)



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