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由DTL编辑: 8/7/2014 7:24:34 PM

History of the Flood Forum: 4th Edition

Well boys and girls.. another year in the books, and another vote tallied up. Six new entries will be forever emblazoned into the halls of flood history. And though this year was more than a little short on the quality shenanigans this forum has become accustomed to, we still had a few good laughs, made some new friends, and move forward to our next chapter together. As always, this edition was created with the help of previous efforts by [url=]Squirrel Dude[/url], the Flood community, and the [url=]Flood timeline.[/url] This thing is huge and will span several posts, so bare with me. [b][u]For best viewing, switch your comment sort to “Oldest First”. [/u][/b] [b]Birth of the Flood April 15, 2004[/b] Discussion of an Off Topic forum can be traced to as far back as this point. When proposed by a member(now unknown), Stosh informed him that Sketch had begun to think about the creation of an Off-Topic forum. Members had called for it because of the spam and off-topic threads that had become so common in other forums, especially The Underground. Sketch predicted that if this off-topic forum did materialize that it would "turn into a spam pit the likes of which no website has ever seen before." Also, the phrase "spam pit" seems to have originated from this thread. There will never be another thread like Laser Wars. [b]Laser Wars 2004 - 2006[/b] The exact start and end points of this even are not known because of how widely spread the phenomenon is. It was at one point a pinned topic, and then it spread into its own group and countless other threads. Laser wars was simply a forum game based on building armies and fighting other players. Its popularity was massive, greater than any other singular trend in forum history. [b]Twitch 2005[/b] Twitch did a whole bunch of spamming, trolling, flaming, and beyond, but he was still a major part of the community, and had himself a fanbase. The fanbase would eventually coin the phrase "Twitch for pres." He felt that the "spam was tha -blam!-," and that "it just need to be said." If he hadn't said it he "would be doing the world a disservice fo real." He would also target a group run by Gold Templar II. He was a character that Twitch found odd so naturally he "-blam!- with him... a lot." His fan group launched a spam attack on his group, while Twitch created an alt that looked very similar to Gold Templer ll, and would spam the forums. Gold Templar told the mods that he had been hacked by Twitch, and that was all they needed. He has since been permabanned, but it is rumored he still posts on alts, like almost everyone does. People don't like to talk about Twitch for fear of it still upsetting moderators. [b]The Flood-Zanzibar War Summer 2005 - May 2006[/b] In the summer of 2005, the forum Zanzibar tried to blitzkrieg the Flood Forum by flaming and spamming the forum into submission. The resulted in a full-out flame war. Floodians started flaming and spamming the forum Zanzibar in retaliation, until late in 2005. The Flood halted the flaming and spamming, and the Zanzibarians claimed a victory for themselves. However, in the late spring of '06, the Floodians won, as the Zanzibar forum was deleted to make room for the Halo 3 forum, merging with New Mombasa. [b]Glory Days of Forum Fiction June, 2005- October, 2008[/b] During this point in time The Flood experienced a wealth of talented writers, as well as a fanbase that was will to read more than 4 paragraphs in a single post. Among the Floodian writers that it would produce were Douglas Brown, Sniper McGee, bacon greese1521, Mabian, Commander Locks, Tartan 118, GameJunkieJim(Yes, the moderator), Colonel Corbec, and the Laureate of The Flood, Halifax. Multiple members would write for years, and even create fan groups, to themselves which became quite popular. Halifax is easily the most voluminous writer of them all at this point, even after many of his works were lost one Day After Bungie Day. There was even a point in time where writers were treated like rock stars when they announced that they were going to do a story. However, many like Sniper McGee and squirrel dude only got through the first couple of chapters and then simply didn't have the energy to continue with their work. The Golden Age is marked at ending on 10/26/2008, when Halifax posted his final story, but it had been falling off long before that. Although Mabian was writing a very popular story called The Floodiad, many other authors were no longer receiving the attention they used to, the attention that was often the reason for their writing. This, combined with a resurgence of The Gallery forum has limited Floodian forum fiction since. [b]The Flood Nightbar August 14, 2005[/b] bacon greese1521 created The Flood night bar. It is important in that is laid the template down for what every following forum bar. The first few posts are the ordering of drinks, with the OP serving as a bartender. Within a few pages, however, the bar quickly devolves into barfights, card games, and shenanigans of every kind. Flood Bars of this template are now opened on every holiday(that extols drinking) from January 1rst to December 31st. [b]Shiska is a Pegboy August 16, 2005[/b] A spammer named Watermelon King created at least 15 pages of nothing but "Shishka is a Pegboy" as the title and body of each thread. It is believed that it was because Shiska had called him a Pegboy, and that he did not take very kindly to this comment. At this point in's history, there was not post limit or cooldown; so he was able to create that many threads fairly quickly. Floodians, and Shiska, look back and laugh at the event. [b]The Halo 3 Forum War May 2006 - November 2006[/b] Although Floodians had defeated Zanzibar, the wars for supremacy were not over. The attention of the forum shortly turned to a new rival: The Halo 3 forum. As soon as the forum was released, the H3 Fanboys ignorantly started to spam the Flood with their theories and ideas for H3. In response, the Floodians flamed these members who spammed. The Fanboys retreated and started to stop spamming in October, but started back up again in November . This time, Floodians started to spam the H3 Forum with very stupid ideas, to see how the fanboys would act in response. The battles have halted since November, although contempt is still held by The Flood for The Halo 3 forum, and their regulars. [b]One Day War Mid-August 2006[/b] A thread in late summer reported that the moderators created a thread in HCFS, it was titled "We will attack at dawn, leave no Floodian standing." However, the contents of the thread is unknown, because any non-moderator member who even attempts to join the group will be in some pretty big trouble, or so says the group's motto. Anyway, the Floodians decided to be prepared for an attack from the mods(For mods, forum attacking is the act of locking threads for no apparent reason). Unfortunately, the next day, the thread was locked by a moderator. It is unknown if the moderators really were planning a surprise attack, but stopped because some bold Floodians found out, or if they are still planning for a surprise attack on The Flood to this day.. [b]hotpink - gu3do Marriage August 31, 2006[/b] Don't let the title fool you, these two aren't married, even tough it says in her signature that they were on 12/22/2006. They didn't actually talk online until 8/31/2006, and didn't visit each other until 7/13/2007. They do still have a relationship to this day, and do plan on getting married when the time is right. They are pretty much the only Floodians to form a romantic relationship, and for it to then succeed after they met in real life. The only ones to do the former even, I think. That said, not every member was happy for them when they were still dating and getting married and having babies and growing old. In fact, quite a few Floodians got damned tired of hearing all about their lives, and how awesome they were, and how great a photographer gu3do was, and how pretty hotpink was. It wasn't that hotpink only wanted to write threads that were gushy blogs about how happy she was, she openly admitted that every thread she made simply became a blog out of habit. Eventually they both stated posting in groups more often so that members and moderators wouldn't get mad that they were posting lovey dubby blogs all the time. [b]The Flood Becomes a Monarchy October1, 2006[/b] There was a poll made about who should become the queen of The Flood. The winner of the poll was Jannelle4Now. It turned out that Jannelle4Now was actually an alternate account of the male member "L8teRunner (or something like that)." Cortana 5 was named Princess of The Flood as the runner up of the election, and with Jannelle/L8te forced to step down on account of not being the necessary amount of female required to be a queen, she took over as Queen of The Flood. Cortana 5 holds onto that title to this day.



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  • 由DTL编辑: 7/29/2018 11:30:23 AM
    [b]Kitchen 8 January 26, 2007 - Febuary 3, 2007[/b] A Floodian asked the Flood to help vote in a contest to win a kitchen makeover for his relatives. Huge amounts of Floodians poured in to vote, and it quickly took 2nd or 3rd after a few hours. Soon after that it took first place by over 200 votes. The kitchen became known as Kitchen 8 as it was initially the 8th choice. Kitchen 8 had become a massive phenomenon, with Floodians making groups to worship Kitchen 8 as a national religion. Kitchen 8 was now the Flood's official kitchen. However, some people were against it. On the contest's comment page, other people voting claimed that The Flood was made up of "hackers" and "12 year olds with no lives." One member set up a group to go against Kitchen 8, and support kitchen 7 (the then 2nd place kitchen). However, the group was a failure, recruiting only 6 members. The contest closed on January 31st, and as of Feb. 3rd, Kitchen 8 had officially won the contest. [b]The New Flood (noof) June, 2007[/b] The New Flood was founded by I Will Kill You based on the belief that The Flood and the entirety of the community had been degrading since the release of Halo 3. Many of the Flood's regulars joined the group for at least some point of time. The group had a constantly shifting administration structure, with administrators leaving, stepping down, or becoming deceased, and new ones taking over. On July 19, 2008, X Rampancy X, a New Flood member, created an offsite for the group. The group is now considered dead, as most members, and thus many former Floodians, have moved to the offsite. Through the first half of August of 2008, there was a panic about an attack on the forum. They rumors were "spread by Houston Texan." These rumors spread like wild fire through members on the forums. On August 14th, due to the countless warning threads, the phrase "New Flood" became a bannable term on the forums. [b]Jetfalcon is attacked through the internet 6/13/2007-8/4/2007[/b] Jetfalcon was a self-proclaimed cool kid at school, but it hadn't always been that way for him. It was only over the last year that he had become popular, and become a shoe in to win Prom King. He was very loud about this, animal cruelty, most people saw him as an annoying douche. Among the most avid of his attackers were Ada Astra and MeechVII. Though this is not to say that everyone hated him, some actually saw him as a member who could be funny at times. Things came to a head when Floodians made YTMD's proclaiming his faults. Jetfalcon found out about this because he used to search his own name. Once he discovered it, he posted on The Flood about how it was a cyber hate crime because attacking a wealthy, popular, prom king is a hate crime. The Flood responded by flaming him, leading to the banning of many members once evilcam showed up to shut it down. [b]The Ghost Bike Takes Flight 6/23/2007[/b] A group of Floodians decided to make a team for the Red Bull Flugtag with a ghost built over a bicycle. However, they weren't automatically selected, and instead were put in the wild-card round where they would have to be voted in. Unwilling to let this go down to chance, the Floodians called on the forums to go to the site and vote them in. The response was overwhelming, with The Ghost Bike team getting nearly 30,000 votes. The Ghost Bike team took the stage on the 23rd of June, and did a Halo based skit when they prepared to launch. The Ghost Bike when speeding off the platform and did a nosedive straight into the water. [b]GAMERZ PROPERTY Gets Hacked Summer 2007[/b] On a day in the summer of 2007, Pillage, or an alt of his posted how he had been able to hack into Gamerz Property's/Gamer girl's account by fishing her information. They were able to get a large amount of personal information from this, and posted some things that Gamerz didn't want anyone to see. A real low point for the Flood. [b]Day After Bungie Day July 8, 2007[/b] An unknown hacked into the moderator's, Pezza's, account started locking all threads on the front page of The Flood. All hell broke loose. Several people who started threads about the incident were blacklisted. A few of those blacklisted were some of the Flood's well-known users. In fact, even moderators were being banned. People were making threads asking for their thread to be pinned, some of which ended up being pinned, but were quickly taken down. About 10 or so minutes later, the chaos finally stopped, as administrators and higher ranking forum ninjas blacklisted the moderator's account. Many formerly pinned threads had been deleted, and so new ones were created. Pezza now uses a different account, Pezz. [b]Schwippy Christmass Tree December, 2007 - Present[/b] A family posted a video of their Christmas Tree on the website, and allowed for you to comment in the chat and control the way the lights on the tree changed colors. If someone in the family was by the computer when you were commenting they would put up a whiteboard with what you wrote in front of the camera. It was a sensation the first year, but only lasted a few days. The second year it was brought up by another member, and it was just as popular, and lasted far longer, going all the way past Christmas Day. The last post was Foman thanking the Schwippy family for their participation with The Flood. [b]The Pie Thread April 18, 2008 - March 24, 2009[/b] A thread was created by bungie employee drabominable, titled DO YOU LIKE PIE? For quite some time it was extremely popular. The thread was more than simple yes and now answers, with some members writing massive philosophical arguments as to why pie was such a wonderful food, and vice versa. Multiple moderators also partook in the discussion, giving the thread validity. However, after 2009, it came under scrutiny as breaking the rules that all other members had to abide by. The topic of whether or not the thread should be locked quickly became a massive and long lasting topic all unto itself with debate raging in both The Flood and The Septagon. At last, the thread was deleted, as was the main discussion thread about whether or not to lock it. This decision did not please many Floodians, who saw it as just further evidence of The Septagon interfering with The Floods good times. [b]Forum Games Become Spam June, 2008[/b] A change in forum policy resulted in all forum games being considered spam. This upset many members who played these games frequently and resulted in a lot of threads demanding their return. It wasn't until late 2009 that this new rule was reconsidered. [b]Flood V2 July 30, 2008[/b] Created by DoJoe89, The Flood V2 is made up of members that claim to be devil spawn. The group was much more aggressive than the New Flood, and was proud of it. They often spammed, trolled and raided The Flood. They would edit pages on Bungiepedia, to a point where it quickly got far out of hand. On November 15th of 2008, The Flood V2 would create an offsite, and it would then fail on the 21rst. A second offsite of The Flood was created by Tom. Most of the group has either moved to the offsite, or at least participates in it in some way. However, the group does not raid The Flood as much, if at all anymore as moderation has stepped up since the implementation of the Play Nice Rules. The Last major event was a group attack in February of 2009. [b]7777 Pages August 13, 2008[/b] On this day at approximately 8:45 The Flood reached 7777 pages of content [b]Attacking the PETA boards September 24, 2008 - January 2009[/b] On September 24th, a member reported how PETA had asked the Ben and Jerry's Ice cream company to use human breast milk instead of cow's milk. Floodians were appalled at the idea. Shortly afterward, a member found that PETA had an online site that include forums where the nuts talked about saving chickens from the evil Colonel Sanders. Floodians organized themselves and created accounts on the PETA boards to harass the members. However, the moderators couldn't allow this to continue happening once they found out. on January 2nd, 2009, Duardo issued a message on the issue. Any Floodian "proclaiming to have spammed the PETA website, or any other, will be permanently banned from without exception." The reasoning for this was on the interpretation that by spamming PETA's website you were hampering their use of the website. Spamming has openly stopped since this announcement. [b]The Play Nice Rules September 24, 2008[/b] Probably the most important rule change, or revamped enforcement in Flood history. The play nice rules drastically effected the culture of The Flood. It is seen as both the moment that the administration finally began to crack down on misbehaving Floodians, and as a motion to make The Flood conform by an oppressive administration. Many members felt that the rules went too far, leading to a increase in membership for Flood V2, and other groups of it's ilk. The New Flood and Flood V2 are both often included in the discussion as to why the Play Nice rules were enacted. This is supported by some members of the groups, as well Achronos' statement that the problem mostly seemed "to be due to a specific subculture of those that frequent this forum." However, members of the group will say that it was specifically The Flood's culture that lead to the rules, and the subculture was only being copied by The Flood.



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    7 回复
    • So many lost...



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    • Awh the oreo thread spam thing didn't make it. That was a fun day



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    • Solemn bump. . .



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      3 回复
      • 2
        This is ancient! How did they find this?



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      • 由Snowy Wolfos编辑: 7/28/2018 4:32:34 PM
        [i] [/i]



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      • I think we all know how the 1 day war ended... 😭



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      • Bump for later



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      • [spoiler]Beep was here[/spoiler]



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      • 由RingLeader77编辑: 5/10/2019 8:16:02 AM
        Here I lay incense for the lost and forgotten of the old days. May the ones who came after never forget the history of our sires. [i]-RingLeader77, 4th President, since Doob, of Off-topic once known as the flood [/i]



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        5 回复
        • Wow... That’s a lot of history! [spoiler]hi future peoples[/spoiler]



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          3 回复
          • necrobump



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          • *sheds a single, testosterone filled tear*



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          • cool beans



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          • I find it funny how alll of those years ago, the flood fought against the halo 3 fanboys and the reach fanboys. And back when destiny came out, the flood fought against the desticles, with many posts saying that halo 3 and reach were the "golden days" of bungie. It's like all of the fanboys that the flood has fought with, slowly join the flood. You can even see this now with many members being less "Desticle-phobic". Funny how history repeats itself.



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            8 回复
            • Man, you've been here for over 11 years now, and have been through nearly all recorded flood (offtopic) history, how does that feel?



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            • Bump



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            • Queen's a really good band



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            • Survival bump



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            • Bump so people can see the original project



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              1 回复
              • Gods work you did old man.



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                • History bump



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                • Bump



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                  1 回复
                  • Wyoming!



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                  • Nostali-Bump



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                  • Where are you at??



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