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由Darth Ra 7365编辑: 8/11/2014 5:55:47 PM

Destiny reminds me of Spartan Ops

Destiny is very similar to Halo 4's Spartan Ops. For the bandwagoners who never played halo, spartan ops is what replaced firefight(which is a game mode where you just fight for survival against the Covenant). Spartan Ops is running around fighting enemies and pressing buttons with your fireteam. Sound familiar? Plus, they both have shit storylines and linear levels. Both are fun playing the first time, but then lose its replay value. Only difference is that Destiny gives the illusion that it's bigger and replayable when it really isn't. All the missions are all pasted together. And that is why destiny is shit.



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  • 由Bundalings编辑: 8/12/2014 4:41:14 AM
    Agree with analysis, disagree that it makes Destiny awful. While I wasn't super engaged by the story, there's a lot more to it than Spartan Ops. Raids, Strikes, Patrols with friends, Crucible... loot hunting is in and of itself a fun activity for me. I hope in the full game the story mode offers something more, though. It was starting to get a little interesting with The Last Array and the moon mission.



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