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由hungrysamoan编辑: 9/15/2014 10:18:35 PM

Live in the NW United States? On Xbox 360? Join the United States NW Group!

Live in the United States? Live in the northwest region? Looking for a group? Look no further! We're currently a group/clan in development, and we're looking for other players in the NW. If you live in either, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, you're in the northwest! Don't live in the northwest? It's all good, though, it'd be easier to coordinate with other guardians! But all in all, we're an open group, actively recruiting, and plan to be a semi-casual group! Side note, there's a person I'm looking into that might head a separate branch for Xbox One users. JOIN NOW PLEASE. If you're interested, PM me, or find me on Xbox 360. ID: HungrySamoan Original Post [url=]here[/url].



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