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由JRock94编辑: 9/26/2014 6:33:48 PM

Anbu Black Opz Recruiting! PS4 Clan!

Just to make this clear this isn't a Naruto fangasm clan! The name ANBU meaning Special Assassination and Tactical Squad was simply chosen because Anbu only follow one order....That order is to protect home at all costs! They protect home from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy territory, and deal with extremely strong enemies. Just like them we aren't so different! All of us guardians have one objective and that is protecting earth by all means! This clan is too help one another as brothers and sisters whether it's getting under other players skin to get the W in Crucible (PVP) or slaughtering the darkness trying to get they're hands on Earth in Story,Events,Raids,Strikes,Etc (PVE). So join Anbu Black Opz and show them just how dominate and fearful we can be!..............Alright enough of the soap opera xD Seriously join were friendly people just trying to have a good time with this game. Pros: 1.Awesome clan tag "[b]ANBU[/b]" so players know you're the real deal 2.Almost [b]85%[/b] of time victory in the Crucible if everyone is playing the objective correctly, That's a high chance! 3.[b]90%[/b] on very hard mission completion if everyone strategically executes plan well 4.Gaining new friends Requirements: 1.[u]Active[/u] 2.Age 16+ Guys, Girls, no Robots or Aliens 3.Mic or no mic really doesn't matter nor do I care...Not everyone feels comfortable talking in headsets that's understandable 4.Level 20+....Level 18 or 19 is no biggy, you're practically almost there! 5.Just have fun with it type attitude! No one likes a guy/girl who takes everything serious...They're usually the ones to go first, This game is just too fun and good not to have fun with it xD If you're interested in joining Anbu Black Opz please like this post and either apply on our clan page or post a comment below as I am always looking, so you wont be ignored or missed. Hope to assassinate with you all guardians see you guys & girls soon!



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