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10/8/2014 9:35:32 PM

Bungie..... confirm or deny?

One of the most fun aspects in your previous AAA franchise was replaying story to locate the many many things you would hide in the game. Is there anything of that sort in Destiny? If we find it, would we know it? Just to give a few examples, skulls, terminals, Sasquatch family, brute party, urinating brute, trash talking high on methane grunt etc... I love you Bungie, you know you're my girl, but when you said you wanted to build a persistent world that people would continue to come back to, I thought we see alot more of your quirky shenanigans hidden around. Everytime I see somewhere that I think "Id hide a skull like item there, i get a countdown to return to the map. Theres gotta be more than coins in the tower and dead ghosts, right?



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