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由ChiefRocker69编辑: 10/28/2014 8:17:58 PM

zebra, heron, current, catterpillar, pineapple baboon, bee, rabbit...

I had a lot of patience with this game's server issues, concidering the price i paid for it and the time You had to fix it. Now it got to a point where it definetly needs to be fixed immediately and is of no use at all. As many other folks i am having an open NAT, up to date firmware, no problems whatsoever with any other multiplayer title so far. I got problems from the beginning, from centipede, zebra, rabbit..the whole noah's ark. On top of it i got thrown out countless times at strike bosses, the raid boss etc. I am currently stuck with a game i can't use in any way near properly and paid 110 € for it. I get disconnected every 5 minutes. It got even worse since sunday. You sold an always online product. Get it online then.



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