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由Lethal_Jahad编辑: 10/30/2014 12:05:53 AM

Extreme amount of error messages

So about a week ago i posted on here showing my unfunny amount of error messages, trying to see if anyone had any clue why i was getting them but no luck. At first the error messages would show up every couple hours and would kick me. Then the amount increased very quickly. I would go to orbit and would be instantly kicked to the log on screen. If was lucky enough to log on and get to orbit I still wasn't able to go on any portals or any story/strike missions because it would kick me after maybe a good ten minutes of play. After being kicked back to orbit i would get one of these three error messages (Heron, Groundhog, or Beaver). Now that was only the beginning of my troubles with these error messages. Week 2 of my problems these error messages became more frequent and odd. What i mean by more odd i mean like error message that made zero sense. In my second week i would get this Baboon error message. This is Bungie explanation to what Baboon means This error commonly happens when players are connecting to the world of Destiny via cell phone tethering or mobile hotspots. While we appreciate your moxie and verve for playing Destiny over your mobile connection, we can’t promise a smooth experience while using this type of network setup. -Bungie I'm definitely not using a cell phone or mobile hotspot to play my playstation, i don't live in a third-world country i have a high speed cable internet. Anyways the baboon error message is the most common one of several messages I've received. I have done everything bungie has recommend me to do and there has been no improvements. Recently with the new update bungie put out the error messages have gotten even worst and made Destiny simply impossible to play. Link to the unfunny amount of error messages.



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