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11/10/2014 6:48:02 PM

Known Bug List?

DeeJ, As a developer my self (not game, web) I absolutely understand bugs happen and can take time to fix and fix correctly. One thing I would be really interested in seeing is a "Known Bugs List." I know communication and transparency can often backfire, but I think they're lacking and providing a tad more would benefit the community. I would like to see this list for 2 reasons: first, it would show the community that at least some of of the complaints are being acknowledged and addressed (you don't need to disclose when, I get that) and two, I think it would just add a level of clarification to certain things players experience. For example, I've seen several posts and experienced what is believed to be a bug where having a "more ammo for [weapon level - i.e. heavy]" perk equipped causes you to loose ammo on re-spawn and particular similar circumstances. I and most others presume this to be a bug, but sometimes I wonder if that's a side affect to having the perk? Not sure if it's been acknowledged somewhere else as a bug, but anyway, I think a singular location for this info would be great. Obviously fixing the bugs would be better, but at least knowing what is known and being worked would be nice as well as dismissing things that aren't actually bugs and working as intended.



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  • this is not my post i copyed and pasted it as you want a nown bug list here it is 10/30/14 - I'm on the PS4 platform and for the past two nights Atheon on hard has rendered the raid borderline unplayable. We beat it last night after several attempts only because we got lucky. It was not fun at all. Here is a list of all the bugs we (and others) have encountered: 1. Oracles would still kill the fireteam even after all oracles were destroyed 2. Improper number of players would get teleported 3. Relic shield would still allow incoming damage while active. (So I guess Atheon is cheesing us now?) 4. Time's Vengeance would not activate upon destroying last oracle. 5. Players would get marked that were not teleported. 6. Supplicants would not die after taking more than enough damage. 7. I don't like the fact that the praetorians now posses the warlock's fireborn self-revive ability. 8. Getting detained, teleported, and insta-death on the other side. 9. Oracles not spawning when they should, then spawning all at once (reported by IchiDaKiller187) 10. Succumbing to the Oracles while Time's Vengeance is active and everyone is out of the portal - XbOne (reported by HeadButtYoNut) 11. Atheon stops taking damage. His health stopped dropping after 40%, twice - PS4 (reported by Zamm3k) 12. Teleporting three of us and immediately teleporting us back, leaving all 6 of us with atheon (insta-wipe) - PS4 (reported by Zamm3k) 13. Supplicants are killed, blow up and then revive directly inside bubble and blow up (insta-wipe) - PS4 (reported by Zamm3k) 14. Ammo synthesis does not replenish ammo when consumed (alive in-game) - PS4 (reported by FastDrinker77) 15. Atheon opens time stream at beginning of checkpoint (reported by MANSLAYER KIRA) 16. Supplicants teleport through Mars and Venus portals 17. My personal favorite...I escape detain just before being teleported only to die 18. Detained after teleporting How the heck do you expect us to complete the raid with all these bugs? Fixing the Atheon cheese was understandable. I don't care about the random teleport. These bugs, however, need to be addressed ASAP, PLEASE! Bump the heck out of this, guys, so Bungie gets the message. Not trying to be a jerk, it just needs to be fixed! Raid is broke right now. I will add bugs to the list that others have experienced. If I didn't experience stated bug myself, I will add who reported the bug to the description. Also, please list the platform you are experiencing the bug on.



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