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11/14/2014 2:33:36 PM

New kind of.... logic?

"Maaaan, this weapon is soo good I grinded [insert number] [insert time unit here] to get it. Those newbs don't have the right to own the weapon." I understand that it may have taken a long time to get a specific weapon. But what kind of logic is going arround here in the forums? "Heeeey, I have the gun I don't want anybody else to have it." Or "I know this gun is OP. Now it is getting nerf when they find out that it is OP. I want to be OP all alone." When a gun is OP, it gets nerfed. Period. If not, you have nothing to fear. Crying arround BEFORE anything happened... QQing all day.. Aren't you grown up enough to be happy for others? Don't you seek the challenge in playing against others? What kind of gamers are here?



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