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11/15/2014 4:04:19 AM

Guys my buttocks is sore

Guys, my buttocks is sore. I'm not sure why so I checked with my doctor, he told me that it was probably because of the argument I had with my friend the other day. I'm a little hot-headed and my friend and I got into an argument, he ended up getting the last word. So in a slightly agreeing tone I told my doctor that it wasn't fair since I was the one who had all the logical, well-constructed arguments while my friend only talked gibberish. I really thought I earned the last word to win that argument with all my superb debating skillz. I kept going on and on with my rant and my doctor seemed to care, a lot. I slowly felt better after letting it all out. Then a nurse walked in and said to me, "Shut up, meg."



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