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由RangerVeare编辑: 11/21/2014 4:30:34 AM

This may change your perspective on Bungie.

I feel as some of you do that Bungie has outright cheated, mislead, lied, and smashed us into the ground with what destiny is now, from what it was going to be. Destiny now is a shell of what I feel it used to be. I feel like I've done everything I can do in destiny and it feels like as much as I spend grinding for gear, weapons, materials, and light that it still is in vane. The story is boring. It's dull and doesn't even appeal to me. I've had past experience diving into story lines and such in various movies and this doesn't even stand up for anything that Bungie is. Bungie knows this as well as a lot of people that there is so many places left unfinished on several planets that you can glitch into that should've been on the game when we got it. I unfortunately already purchased the DLC expansion pass ad I regret it. Bungie no more will I pay for this crap that I'm getting. You promised so many things for Destiny and I'm not even getting half of it. So many things that were in your trailers that have yet to be seen because they were taken out for some reason. I get that certain things needed addressing but yet all of it seems to be missing and without answers. Bungie we want answers. I'm encouraging everyone to dive into this and find the answers and ask questions to hold Bungie accountable. I recommend you watching this video because it will make you ask yourself some questions about the motive behind Bungie's could've been "Best Franchise". Shout out to Batman for raising questions as to Bungie's intentions and the speculations surrounding Destiny. May we all learn from this. Please fill free to comment down below what your opinion is on this matter and make sure you ask questions to the staff so this will be seen. Thank you all for taking a look, wish you the best. -Ranger



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  • Why do all you dissenters act as if Destiny is some religion you once had faith in and now you're leaving? It's a video game, you silly bastards. It also seems like all you sad little dummies have played every single inch of the game—which takes well over a hundred hours I might add—and yet you have the audacity to call out Bungie for making this horrible game that you hate playing? When was the last time you played a video game you "despised" for over a hundred hours? You're like a gluttonous, fat slob who porked down a giant five course meal and then still have the nerve to ask the restaurant manager for a free meal because you didn't enjoy it. I mean, you're all a bunch of dumb kids. You have NO semblance of what it takes to create a video game. Why would any of you even dare to think you know what Bungie "left out" of their game? Were you sitting in all the planning meetings for the past 10 years? Do you know how to code a perfectly balanced weapon like the Suros or Vision of Confluence? Do you know how to create a strategy for content and gear that keeps your fanbase logging on everyday until they get that last piece of armor? Would you have come up with the Christmas-like idea of Xur? Would you have been able to create a piece of code as satisfying as a Cabal head shot? My point is that you came back day after day to play Destiny because it's fun. That's all they set out to do and you proved Bungie right by pouring in Skyrim-like hours into the game. So really what I think is happening is the opposite. I think you love playing the game but are too inpatient to wait for the next piece of content because you played the hell out of the game already. I'm pacing myself. I'm a level 28 and still have quite a bit more to accomplish. I don't play for 5 hours a day like a child. I have a life. And if this is all about the DLC, deal with it like a man. That's how games have been dispensing content for years now. Don't put the target on Bungie because they only delivered "93% of some insane and stupid perception I had of the game 2 years before it released and now I'm all butt hurt that Bungie didn't guess what video game I wished they'd made". Seriously, that's what you sound like to me.



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