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10/25/2014 2:05:10 AM

About Mythoclast? said you nerfed the Vex Mythoclast? How come I still die super quick with no chance of even injuring the other player? Just remove the damn Mythoclast from Crucible. It's not fair when someone kills you in half a second and you can only put maybe one shot in them. Just balance Crucible, make it skill, not no lifer put 130 days of gameplay kills everyone.



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  • Awwwww. Did someone rage quit the raid? O yes you did... I've been killed by that thing also, but those guys went throught the hardest content, on the hardest mode to have a CHANCE of getting it. Some of them had to do it multiple times. Ive seen very few people weild it(2 or 1) and i love my PvP. Stop being such a damn nerf baby.



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