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由LegendSlayer77编辑: 12/6/2014 11:06:47 PM

trading system

Can we please have a trading system implemented? There are so many people who have worked hard for little reward, and others who have worked just as hard and received so much of things they already have, they don't even know what to do with them anymore. Please put in a trade system! Edit 1. To those who are saying it invalidates their hard work to have a trade system, I commend you for your hard work! Good job for working for what you want. The issue is that people have worked harder than you, and relieved nothing. The issue is that some people have much more than they need and want, and want to spread the wealth, but cannot. The issue is that hard work is not rewarded, it only has a minor chance to be rewarding. A trade system does not negate your hard work, or take away its value. You've played well, you've played hard, and that's commendable, and nobody can take that from you. A trade system only helps to give away what others don't want or need, to those who have worked hard and not seen any reward for their work. I know that some people are lazy and will take advantage of it, but that's how life works, you have to take the bad with the good, especially when the good is this needed. The RNG system is broken, a trade system would make it livable.



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