why dont you just expand the skill tree to accommodate for the increase damage instead of pissing off the entire fan base? we dont want to grind for hours to upgrade our weapons to a higher attack. this could possibly be acceptable if along with the attack you added a new special ability to the weapons, but this is utter trash. youre turning a game i love into a grindfest. a miserable excuse for an MMO. I cant afford to grind all of my gear up. i leave for marine corps boot camp in under a month and i want to enjoy as much of this game as i can until then.
由LiquidphluX编辑: 12/9/2014 10:42:46 PMHe just had to throw in that he's going to MARINE CORPS bootcamp.. You're going to be such a badass when you get out. Everyone in Oceanside is going to think you're a battle hardened war hero. Don't forget to wear your infantry tshirt and don't forget to bring your WAR bag. Have fun cutey.
I'm going to be honest. They don't even have time to explain why they don't have time to explain.
Bungie is going to take this dlc and cram it in your ass raw dog with no lube. No compromise suggested. Just try not to cry... they have your money already.
Dont bother asking for an explaination, if you get one its just going to be bullshit and sidestepping.
Because it's easier on the back-end to do it like this... and it keeps you playing to grind up the levels. Basically you currently have say the Hard Light (refID#11211), there's now a second "new" item in the game (refID#21141) with the same exact name that you're exchanging it for. For people with maxed weapons, they could've just handed a max weapon back, but most people wouldn't think enough to go into the skill tree to reset it the way they had it, so the feedback forum would blow up with "mah gun doesn't act the same", or take up some database scripts to transfer what you've selected before-hand to the new perk ID of the "new" weapon. For the players that don't have maxed items, again there's the whole thing of either setting incorrect perks or running a database script to figure out what perk you had, which is further complicated by the fact that the new exotics take less XP, so the perk XP will be different, meaning you could have a perk unlocked on one, but not the other (even though they could've just left it as an open perk column like you haven't chosen yet). As to your question of why not just add a node to the tree (as I think everyone assumed they would do)... think it comes down to less to do tonight when the DLC goes live, they can already have the new weapons in place and ready to go in part of that 2GB update last week, and just update loot tables to the new refID# when the servers reboot for the update tonight. ...I probably lost 99% of you in that wall of text :P
This is a really good prep for you, you will become accustom to waiting, and repetitive tasks that yield no reward and seemingly make me sense
由ToughGuy051编辑: 12/9/2014 3:11:54 PMYou should play battlefield, its fun, intense, and tactical. Just never mention this game in front of your drill sergent. God forbid you mention call of duty.
I hate to say it, but if you can't handle this, the Corps is gonna chew you up and spit you out son.
And the "Commendation" requirements... same deal, lets make it slower to progress so you have spend a lot of play time to get to the end, its taking a 1 pound shit and stretching it a mile long until its a shit ribbon instead of a rope...
由omega900编辑: 12/9/2014 3:22:51 AMIt seems whenever i make an argument anywhere people try to nit pick and drift off topic. okay excuse me. Its not an MMO but being such a popular game in which people play hours a day often with other players i just assumed it was. Yeesh.