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12/10/2014 12:20:09 AM

So Bungie's idea of good fun content is.....

flooding us with thralls and annoying wizards? Seriously... just queued up a "quest" and it's not even fun... just f'king annoying like walking with a rock in my shoe. I really hope the DLC stories are better than these quests because this is not my idea of fun... not even remotely close to it.



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  • ok... so I've played the 3 story missions (quests... whatever they are called) now on both of my characters and I can sincerely say I hated every minute of it. They weren't fun in any way and even when I finished them I didn't have that great sense of "Hell yeah.... I beat his ass!" It was more of "thank god that nightmare is over, I never want to play this mission again". If I were forced to say one nice thing about it, I would say the look of the end room in The Awakening is pretty cool... that's it... that's the only good thing I can think of. So far this DLC is a huge FAIL in my opinion. I'm hoping I like the Raid more or this might be it for me and Destiny. One bad decision after another... hard to believe Bungie could screw it up this bad so early in the game's life.



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