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12/12/2014 4:10:51 AM

Bridge mode, does that help?

I'm sorry to make what probably is a redundant thread, but I've really been trying to connect and I keep getting booted off in crucial parts of missions. I've completely opened my NAT/Ports, my firewall settings are what they should be and my internet is very fast, I plug directly in with an Ethernetcable and I'm the only person that uses it. I've only had Destiny for 2 days, and I'd really like to play and explore, but it just won't let me. My main problems have been Capterpillar, Hawk, and Newt. I've read a bit about bridge mode, and indeed it let me play much smoother last night, but it also made me sign in to Comcast (my ISP) and mandatorily made my Wireless network unsecured, so anyone could log in. Obviously this is very frustrating, I think everyone's frustrated, but I'm curious, has any concrete solution been found? I've spent nearly as much time trying to play Destiny as I have spent playing it.



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  • Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm still having trouble, I'd say that it's a ratio of play for 20 minutes, get kicked now. That's a little better, but I still can't do missions or raids. Has Bungie acknowledged any of this? I'm so confused, this has never happened before...



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