So, me and a few friends were racing on foot without jumping and we discovered that agility is actually jump height and not movement speed. I raced a Titan with their armor stat as high as it would go, a Warlock with their regeneration as high as it would go, and I was a hunter with my stats set the almost max agility and was holding a gun with a +2 agility perk. We tied, and now it seems either they intended on make a false description for this stat or its a glitch my friends and I are all having.
How frowned upon are necro posts? Please just let this sink instead of flaming if you actually dont wanna see a necro like this.
Now since this came up while i was re-researching some stuff i figured people would come across this plenty and with no comments it seems like wasted energy. Not to mention sam here never got an answer whether they now know the answer or not id like to give one.
Agility has always affected your movement speed, whether crouch, walking or ADS, however never has it affected your sprint speed. To keep guardians balanced the devs chose to match everyones sprint speed. However the real advantages come into play when over stacking agility. Your jump height and less noticeably speed is different when tapped vs held for both the initial jump and your 2nd jump (only applies to double jump/triple jump style jumping as they are each individual jumps) this is key to know. The agility affects on jumping when it comes to anything besides your initial jump, your double and triple jumping, and blinking are not known to me but agility was extremely important to those of us that used blink back in the day and probably still helps out a lot. If you remember how powerful blink used to be just imagine it when your using max agil (10) on a hunter, and a mida +2 agil (and exotic bonus) it massively boosted the distance/height of your blinks, as well as the time it took to blink, so you were in and out quicker leaving not very much room to be locked in either of the blink animations where you are vulnerable.
So in short agility is great, if you can stack it anywhere past 10 it can become godly, using a mida even without max agil can also be godly.
Agil affects your move speed(normal/crouch/ads) but not sprint speed, your jump height and speed but not the double jump glides or boosters from titans. Agility does affect your blink distance and speed.