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12/19/2014 4:30:28 PM

PS4 Looking for a new consistent Raid Group

[b]Sorry if this may get a tad wordy. I just want to be completely forthcoming with who I am and what I'm looking for in a group/clan.[/b] I leave on the east coast and I work a 9-5. I had a really good and regular Raid group, but 1 or 2 have left and the other 2 whom I thought were still with me, don't have jobs and get everything from weekly/nightfall/raid by the time I get home from work on Tuesday. I want to find a group our Clan that has similar schedule to mine, I try and get on between 6-7 pm est M-Thur and play until 11-12 and I play late Friday and most of the day Saturday and Sunday. I will link my [i]Bungie[/i] profile in case anyone is interested in "how good I am." From my own words I know my strengths and weaknesses and I also don't do drama. I want to have fun with a pretty strong group of players. I'm used to playing PvE with some highly skilled players and always manage to do all of the NM and HM content. I'm a great communicator and a very good team player, I can play any position required as I always try and do all aspects of the Raid that way if I ever get into a situation outside my "normal role" I can quickly step up and get the job done. I role with 2 Hunters and 1 Titan, (I had a Warlock early on and maxed out the sub-class for the Platinum trophy) I had 3 Hunters at one time as that is my favorite class and deleted the 3rd to get a Titan sub-class maxed for the trophy and ended up liking the Titan, so I'm sticking with these characters for now. My Titan needs some time put into him, but I have some very good gear and as of right now he is level 30, but plan on getting to 31 in the next week or two. My Hunter(s) is level 31, could be 32 but I don't have enough Radiant Shards and I'm not about to keep running new characters to get the material, when I get it I get it. Well I think I've said enough below will be the link to my profile. PSN: [url=]Dikembe_Akimbo[/url]



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