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12/21/2014 9:38:37 AM

What if... Eris didn't escape: they let her leave...

Wondering what other people think. What if Eris Morn, the Hive obsessed, Ghostless guardian, didn't escape the Dark Below? What if she was really caught, held, and experimented on...and then left to wander back to humanity? [spoiler]Perhaps the Hive are more sophisticated than we previously thought, and [i]wanted[/i] her to return to us (the remaining guardians)? Why, you ask? Most obviously, she could be a spy; bent far beyond repair by the torture and indoctrination at the hands of the Hive. Or perhaps something else. That said, this is all very theoretical.[/spoiler] Has anyone heard this theory before? Does anyone care enough to elaborate, hypothesize and discuss this? I like to think that there might be some undiscovered depth in Destiny, but what I see may just be undeveloped flashes of what could have been. I do, however, think there are intriguing clues all over the place. In odd and unexpected places, even.



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