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由FatherlyNick编辑: 2/16/2015 10:40:32 PM

Your username is now an illness/disorder/syndrome

Describe its symptoms, possible cure, etc. FatherlyNick is a mental disorder. [b]Symptoms:[/b] People with FatherlyNick suffer from extreme affection towards themselves. On the third stage of FatherlyNick, people may be deluded enough to start having a relationship with themselves. Any attempts to break up this relationship is quite improbable. Only one successful breakup attempt is recorded to date. [b]Treatment:[/b] There are no known cures for the disorder. However, staying away from unstable people has been noted to prevent the onset of more severe symptoms and lessen their effects. Edit 1: Over 300 replies. There are a lot of sick individuals out there. Edit 2: Over 400 replies. The sickness is real.



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