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原先发布于:Rasputins Core
1/10/2015 3:16:55 AM


Okay guys, I was up last night near or around midnight on bungie.Net when I saw something that caught my eyes it said the house of wolves and a link to a video. It was not YouTube but had to be uploaded to a flash drive and watched from a computer/mac/tablet.etc. But anyways I downloaded it and watched it and for those who didn't see it, it was only up for a good hour. I don't know why bungie decided to post it early maybe one of the producers posted it by accident and then realized and shut it down. But basically it shows a group of dregs and vandals walk into the citadel on Venus they are carrying a strange purple clothe. (I am assuming it was a shred of the Queens cloak.) they walk down a large dark hallway into a throne room and start to kneel. You can see a dark silhouette of an archon but this one wears a hood and has a large scythe on his back.(i am assuming again bungie made him resemble death or the Grim reaper.) One of The vandals from the house of wolves steps forward and shows the cloth afront. The priest then steps off the throne and kills the vandal as if displeased like the vandals were sent to kill the Queen. He then speaks in a low humming of fallen tongue and vanishes from the spot he was standing to his throne on the other side of the room in a static blur. It zooms in on him and his eyes glow a deep shade of red as he stares at the cloth.
#the #lore #dive #into



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