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由georgescf编辑: 1/18/2015 7:55:49 AM

Obsidian Mind or Icebreaker? Help me decide!!! [Poll Closed]

Obsidian Mind




So... Obsidian Mind or Icebreaker. I have 26 strange coins to spend and don't know which one to get! Whichever one is winning the poll at 4:00PM GMT on Saturday I will buy from Xur. At 4-ish I will be starting my first ever raid! (I'm so excited!) So bear that it mind when your voting. Other stuff to look at before you vote: I use voidwalker ahead of sunsinger. (I might use sunsinger more after I've fully levelled it) I don't have Bad Juju. I use Gjallahorn at the moment and I have just unlocked wolfpack rounds. I have Invective. Anything to add? Comment below! That's it from me. Now it's up to you, the community, to decide. [b]Get voting![/b] Update 1 : 100 Votes in and Icebreaker has a massive lead over Obsidian Mind! Keep voting! Update 2: Loads of good points coming up for both items in the comments. Thanks to everyone who's voted and commented. :-) Update 3: Doing Roc strikes now. Hoping to get those missing 4 coins before I enter the raid. Update 4: I didn't manage to get any coins in public event packages or in the 2 and a half Roc strikes I did. :-( Update 5: My raid has moved to 5:00PM GMT so you have an extra hour to comment and vote. Update 6: Yesterday I (almost) finished my first raid!! Got to Atheon checkpoint and then had to leave. Icebreaker was brilliant in the raid and I'm really happy I got it. Update 7: Over 1000 votes and almost 50 replies! Thankyou to everyone who commented and voted. :-)



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