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由mjricu编辑: 1/17/2015 9:14:26 PM

Horde Mode

Is it just me? Or would you like a Destiny Horde Mode? A place where you can go through thousands of enemies and bosses and it never ends. [u]Where is the Horde Mode Located?[/u] The Horde Mode could be located on Mars or the Moon. Though since the Moon already has a raid, maybe it could be on Mars. The reasoning for placing it on Mars [spoiler]When the Traveler came hundreds of years ago, and during the time of exploration. Humans had made huge mining tunnels underneath Mars looking for precious metals. After the enemies came, and wiped out the Human race, and now there is only one city left. (Or however the story goes about The Last City) The miners were soon forces out of their mining tunnels and the secrets beneath Mars, have been Urban Legends ever since. The Vanguard now wants to send Guardians back into the tunnels, to explore the hidden secrets of the tunnel. Will you become a Legend? And learn the secrets of the Tunnels? [/spoiler] [u]How it works?[/u] It would be like the Labyrinth, you need to clear rooms of enemies and then the next room will be harder. In some rooms, there is a chest that would vary in loot drops and the more rooms cleared, the chests will increase their chances of better loot. Though some rooms, will contain bosses like the Archon Priest or the Devil Walker, ect. Then some rooms will be like the Vault of Glass, there would be a Gorgon Maze and jumping rocks. [u]What effects are in the mode?[/u] The Horde Mode would be like the Nightfall, if everyone dies than you are sent back into Orbit and you have to restart from the beginning. Throughout the maze, you will also gain weight of darkness all the way up to 10 just like Crotas End. Though to get rid of the weight of darkness, you must clear the room. Light switch would also be active in the Horde Mode, for example a level 30 enemy could melee a level 30 Guardian and kill them. However if it was to melee a level 31 Guardian, it would leave it with barely enough health to live. [u]Loot Drop Idea[/u] Armor Shaders, these would be armor shaders that give you a little light to battle the weight of darkness. The Armor Shader, (Cave Dweller because in a Cave you need light to see) would only be earned in the Horde Mode and it has a low drop chance. Comment your Ideas below on the Horde Mode and I'll possibly edit my post to make the Horde Mode suggestion even better.



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