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1/21/2015 4:41:15 PM

When i realized i wasted time

I may be only level 28 but lets be honest this game is bad... reasons why im getting rid of destiny: 1. All the hype for a mediocre piece of crap 2. broken loot system 3. broken servers 4. no story 5. two raids so most mmos end game is the best! you cant do anything until you hit max level cus its a big accomplishment but you can do everything you can at level 32 at level 28. just makes the game easier. 6. barely any "cool gear" .very limited on which you can get. in mmos the most appealing thing is the gear! and all the other awesome customizable rpgs have so much armor that you can look at in a third person mode and just sit in awe at what youve accomplished! the only way to fully look at your "okay" gear is in the inventory screen 7. THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF! THIS WEEK IS THE LAST WEEK I PLAY THIS THING! im done this game is hardly rewarding cus i csn be the crappiest person in the raid and do next to nothing and get better stuff than the person who did the most work.. IMG_2767.PNG
#Bungie #Imdone



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  • 由seeeya编辑: 1/22/2015 3:53:15 AM
    Destiny is not a MMO "MASSIVE" Multiplayer Online it's a mmo "minimal" multiplayer offline. Due to the fact that you're disconnected from their servers all too often. Raids are maximum 6 players!? Tower max is 16!? So how can Bungie even think this categorizes as MMO like?



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