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由Spawn編輯: 2/12/2015 6:23:02 PM

Grimoire Missing/Glitched - 4 Month Follow Up

I originally made a post about glitched/missing Grimoire cards in October 2014 [url=]HERE[/url]. This is the follow up to that post noting fixes/workarounds and issues that still exist. [b]Guardian -> Subclasses:[/b] Guardian Abilities - Missing this one - This one appears to be fixed if you make a third character with each class and then delete it with all 3 classes (i.e. Make a Titan, get past first cutscene, delete, make a Hunter, get past first cutscene, repeat for Warlock). I'd love if this was fixed so that I wouldn't have to delete my 3rd character but such is life. [b]Inventory -> Economy:[/b] Motes of Light - missing this one - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Allies -> Tower Allies[/b]: Iron Banner Rep - Unlocked for me at Rank 1 Iron Banner - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Enemies -> Fallen:[/b] House of Wolves - missing this one - This either requires a new character to complete the mission in the Reef or join someone else before they start the mission. At least the workaround for this one isn't as time consuming as the fix for Guardian Abilities. [b]Enemies -> Cabal:[/b] Siege Dancers - missing this one - This unlocked for me after starting the Dust Palace strike. It seems to unlock randomly for Xbox players also. [b]Enemies -> Darkness:[/b] Ghost Fragment: The Darkness 3 - Glitched - Still glitched for me although this has been fixed a large amount of people there are still a lot of us who can't obtain this one because the dead ghost never shows up. [b]Places -> Mercury:[/b] Mercury - missing this one - This is still glitched for everyone. [b]Places -> Venus:[/b] Venus - missing this one - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Places -> The City:[/b] Ghost Fragment: The Golden Age 2 - Glitched - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Places -> Moon:[/b] Moon - missing this one - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Places -> Mars:[/b] Mars - missing this one - This was fixed an update awhile ago, thanks! [b]Activities -> Crucible Playlists:[/b] Combined Arms - Played and no card, glitched? - This was just fixed this week I believe. Sadly, the +5 from the card hasn't been added to my total. Not sure if I need to log in to the game to see the increase. Iron Banner or Crucible Tournaments? - This was also fixed awhile ago as Crucible Events, thanks!



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