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2/21/2015 4:45:53 PM

Suppressor Grenades not working

Alright, so to start we all know the defender in the crucible has a few drawbacks in terms of Super v. Supers. Namely that my bubble is destroyed directly by 3 other supers, and that 2 of the remaining stand an excellent chance to completely destroy me inside. So what do I have to make up for this? Suppressor grenades, of course. These babies ride in my back pocket for every crucible match so when I hear a super pop, I have a response. And they work in MOST instances, except for the Blade Dancer. Whenever I hit a Hunter using Arc Blade, they get suppressed, but they keep slashing away as if nothing happened. That's ridiculous! Considering these bastards can jump into my bubble when I have Armor of Light and all that does is allow me to take 1 more hit. Considering I can extinguish a Sunsinger and sap all the bullets from a Golden Gun, I think it's reasonable to turn off the Arc Blades. Even hitting them with a suppressor as they sail through the sky is hard enough, when it lands it should work. I have gameclips of the debuffed hunters ignoring suppression, so don't tell me it can't happen.



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  • Bump. Bump. BUMP!! I am fed up with it. Fix it Bungie. Suppressor grenades are good for two things, finishing off a wounded enemy who has ducked behind cover, and canceling out enemy supers. But they are not consistently doing their job. FIX THIS



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