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由AnonPig編輯: 3/27/2015 2:34:02 PM

Would anyone like to join me...

yes, that sounds awesome


nah, learning about lore is boring


Massive edit here, I've changed how this will be going and since it was bumped I figured I should edit it, sorry for any inconvenience it caused. A fellow guardian and I will be moving to twitch to make lore videos, it's still in it's baby stages so nothing concrete yet, but it will have a live AMA segment. Follow @AnonPig Twitter for updates on everything I do here and cryptic tweets on the lore. Thankyou for your time. If yes, leave a bump for others to see. If no, leave a bump because you're still a friendly person. [b] also, in light of recent events I've decided to host AMA parties. Ask about anything you'd wish when you're in an Anon the Seeker AMA party[/b](a lovely little nickname given to me by my clan in response to my banishment ;) ) Thanks for reading, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig!



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