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3/1/2015 7:15:10 AM

Overheating PS4 - Complete Weekly Quickly - Help Wanted

Hi Everyone, Short version: My PS4 is overheating. I get roughly 3-5 minutes of run time (2 minutes of destiny) before it shuts off. Can someone please invite me to a weekly heroic on level 30 right before the boss is dead? It'll take me a few minutes to start up and join but I'll be there. Long version: My PS4 keeps overheating thanks to a fan issue. I'm awaiting a box to ship it back to Sony repair however it may be my poor luck but it seems like Bungie only has Xur sell something good when I can't play. I would really like to have the heart of the praxic fire warlock chest piece but I need a few more strange coins. I get roughly 3-5 minutes of run time (2 minutes of destiny) before it shuts off. Can someone please invite me to a weekly heroic on level 30 right before the boss is dead? Thanks, Code.Combustion



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