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由Scotty 7th編輯: 3/3/2015 11:25:38 AM

XB1 player looking for clan *must read*

Attention fellow guardians, Recently available to market is an extraordinary individual with varying levels of destiny experience. 3 level 32 characters all boasting there own Ghallahorn and various other equipment, no need to switch at vault this guardian is always ready for the front line. Over 30 raid completions and accomplished sword bearer/relic holder this individual needs no instructions. The playstyle adopted by this guardian can only be considered “haphazard” at best utilising the aggressive “shoot first ask questions later” method. You may notice that the guardian does not possess a hunter type class, this is due to his inability to adapt to the “stupid ass” jumping technique employed by the hunter class. The hunters main ability utilises stealth and planning which also does not suit the guardians play style. The guardian boasts an arsenal of all raid weapons, all exotics, and most legendarys that are considered applicable. The guardian is considered average at crucible, it is not the favoured genre. All guardians have a positive kd barely. The guardian is based in the uk with a strong Scottish accent and would look for similar playtimes and healthy activity. Platform XB1 please post below if interested bidder with best response or opportunity will be chosen. Preferable : Limited squeakers hilarity preferred high levels of activity and communication (fed up being in clans who are inactive and do not enjoy banter.) experienced players female players “you cannot beat a bit of sexy” look forward to responses Regards Scotty



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