Alright guys, as of recent we have been getting word from around the other DoD clans and even in ours that some non-dads have been getting DoD clan tags. Now some of these guys are buddies who would like to just run with us DoDs because we are just so freaking awesome! ( like I mean it guys you are awesome, even randoms want to come back and play with us because we are nice, we play as a team and we don't freak out)
but there are also some that are just trying to sneak by, and come in and troll(well atleast none at DoD Beyond yet)
So after talking with the whole of the DoD PS3 ally clan Admins, here at DoD Beyond we have started a screening process and a mandatory probation period.
while simply answering the questionnair with honesty will gain you a clan tag, that tag will remain yours if you pass the week probationary period.
Now I must mention also the basic rules for holding onto your clan tags.
Members must be active in game for a min of 30days, any inactivity for 30days or longer will result in removal of their clan tag.(heads up you will be removed from the group too, I think, this is just how bungie has it set up so that is not our intention to remove you completely just the clan tag)
Members are to be courteous to other members, and non-members(yes even those random blueberries) we would like to continue to show that Dads of Destiny is recreating the gaming community from what people think are a bunch of pimple faced kids living in their mothers basement, to a group of men(and women at the Dames of Destiny) that actually support each other despite all our differences.
honestly in the end, be a dad...
Dad: The guy who's on your ass 24/7 about grades, sports, what you do with your free time, drugs, alcohol, your behavior....etc and will never give you a break, or room to breath, he can also be pretty chill when he has vented all his rage on the rest of your family, he likes classic rock, talking about politics, he is never wrong and will argue until his face turns red to prove his point no matter how ridiculous it may be, he is either the best or the worst when he drinks, he is extremely controlling with what you do and how you manage your time, he does love you (well i mean he is your father right?) and after owning you he usually says its because he loves you (which is usually bullshit)overall you still love your dad even tho he may be a total asshole, and when u move away you will love him even more
Been looking for a way to join DoD...guess membership alone doesn't grant you a clan tag.
Anyway, please point me in the way of this questionnaire! I may have missed the link, but my phone is difficult to navigate on...