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由Psykopathik1編輯: 1/30/2015 2:14:07 AM

ShadowRaiding is Recruiting PS4

ShadowRaiding is recruiting one dedicated player to fill our raid team which recently has had a vacancy. We are a close knit group of players who are dedicated to completing the obstacles set in front of us by Bungie. We all like to have fun playing this game and keep a close knit group in order to not have douchebags ruin our gaming experience. Nightfalls are done on tuesday depending on how fast we feel like getting the done that week. Joining this clan is dependent upon your ability to meld with the cohesiveness of our already formed group and the ability to play the game competently. We also complete normal raids for peoples alt characters. These are what we are looking for in a potential applicant: 32 Warlock or TItan Tracking Rocket Launcher (ghorn/HoC/Truth) 18+ Not a douchebag If being apart of a close knit group along with a garunteed raid spot sounds like your thing contact Psykopathik1 on PSN or on this website. Edit: forgot to put in we raid on Saturdays 6pm est/5cst and if we don't complete objectives on Saturday then we will continue on Sunday.



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