Hello guardians, this is AnonPig of [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/806204]The Collective of Fanfiction[/url] and I'd like to take this moment to invite all writers and readers alike to join!
This is a single part of a much larger story, [b]A New Dark Shines[/b], to read from the beginning of the beginning: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/99978879/0/0]Arttu and the Ahamkara-Chapter 1; The Spine[/url]
[b]The Jesters Court[/b]
~ present ~
Erik stood in the Jesters Court, slowly remembering the events that brought him there. He broke out in a cold sweat. He remembered his first time coming here. He remembered what he saw.
The horrible shape of a thrall, but so grotesquely different. Hopping around like a mad man. He remembered how he felt his brain, his being, his consciousness? Stretch out like a rubber band, pulled and pulled, until it snapped.
~ hours ago ~
"I really don't like this Erik!" Hanne-16's words echoed in the dark.
He couldn't stop now, whether they she liked it or not, they were so close and if they didn't get in and out of here something would happen. He was sure of this. He moved faster, beginning to run, it was so dark he didn't know if the path he was on was even there as he took every step.
They had come here through the maze of tunnels, unsure but at the same time confident that they were on the right path. These tunnels broke off left and right, and just made circles around each other. All led to the Court.
He noticed a light, very faint ahead of him, it was a beacon of hope. He rushed towards it, the light growing brighter and larger as he neared. He was exhausted, but he pushed on.
The light became blinding, it wasn't that bright but coming from the dark it was like staring directly into the Sun. He emerged into a room, large and expansive, it had an ominous feeling. There were rocks, larger than him, at the edge of a cliff.
He approached them slowly, the tunnels were empty, but this room wasn't. He peaked out past the rock and saw a circular court beneath him. He was wrong, there was nothing there. Moving away from the rock he found a ghost lying in the dust. It belonged to the guardian who was lost down here, it didn't give Erik any hope.
He heard a noise, a large beast taking a quick inhale of breath? No, the beast was there, and although it was large it did not breath. The noise was the door opening below. Whatever came out started shuffling around the Court, it grunted and hopped, the noises were appalling.
Erik dared not look at it, this was what he came to find, this was codename: jest. Just the sounds the jest made were enough to unnerve Erik. He felt himself slipping, no being pulled, away from himself. Then the sound of a large whoosh of air came again, only this time several times in quick succession.
The sounds of acolytes, thrall, and maybe even a knight could be heard. They sounded panicked, they began to fire, how did they know Erik was there? Had they been watching this entire time? What of his friends he'd left behind? Asger was in no way ready to fight, and Hanne-16 couldn't hold them off for long.
Erik rose to the challenge, he drew his weapon and saw they weren't attacking him, they hadn't known he was there at all. They were attacking the beast in the center of the Court. It hopped and grunted and dodged all the attacks, a knight came swinging it's sword, only to be shot in the back by an acolyte.
The acolyte rushed the dying knight and grabbed hold of its sword, slicing off the knights head. All the hive began to act insane, they attacked each other, as well as the jest. They became uncoordinated, and they needed to die. Erik snapped free of himself, this Erik would not be held back, he jumped into the Court.
Thankyou for reading, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig reminding you to live beyond the story!
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/107752798/0/0]Chapter 9; The Blade Which Devours[/url]