Hey off topic I had surgery and have a picture of my deflated lung! You've been warned
But it blows my mind how small the lung is when fully deflated
Small enough to pull out of my chest and work on before putting it back lol
[b] backstory[/b]
Ok so Monday morning I wake up with some discomfort in chest brush it off as chronic shoulder issues but eventually convinced to go to doctor
Turned out I had a rather significant spontaneous pneumothorax
So I got the chest tube to re inflate the king and it turned out the leak was to persistent and large to treat that way,
Went into surgery where they make a few incisions, then completely deflate the lung. Remove it, and just like finding a leak in a tire they inflate(outside of body), put asolution on it and look for bubbles(
(The blister looking things on lung is where it was leaking) after sealing those leaks with lung outside body(i think at this point is when I woke in surgery...worst excruciating pain ever!), they then replace the lung and stitch me back up with a chest tube and here I sit till Sunday/Monday
Feeling much better though, and recovering well