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原先發佈於:Collective Of Knowledge
由AnonPig編輯: 3/4/2015 6:08:50 PM

Does the vanguard know something about the Fallen that we don't know?

HELLO AND WELCOME GUARDIANS! I'm very proud to be here with amazing news! Thanks to a conversation with my chan leader Aon and a fellow guardian bapao, I've come to a new theory on the Fallen! First I'd like to say I believe the Fallen were influenced by the traveler before we were. As such they created the Servitors, the multipurpose machines that they also worship, in the image of the traveler. Some hold info, some plot courses, but one, the Prime, they give life! In the devil's lair strike we see Sepiks taking what we assume to be ether from the dregs and vandals, but quick run up the stairs! A black and long gone dreg lays here, and yet he had ether in him still? I believe what they call ether, we call light! Sepiks was taking light from the dregs around him to empower himself for the fight at hand. He can do more than just that though, he could restore it to another Fallen's body, restoring then just like us. On our first temple of crota mission we come across a dead guardian and our faithful Dinklebell made an interesting observation.[quote] there's nothing left, not even his light.[/quote] What does that matter if his ghost is already gone? Could Dinklebell have been planning on taking said light for it to be recycled to a new guardian? And now to my point. I've studied the Fallen, I've had my grandma sew me cloaks and I've pretended to be one, I've tried every way understand their life even to extent of cutting off my lower arms! But seriously, I went invis got behind leadership and screenshotted their cloaks. BUT WHAT DID I FIND?! Riksis, the devil Archon wears the same colors and banners of Draksis a winter Kell. Now I know, why switch houses? Well Kharris our new "troll patrol" on earth is the Archon rising, so Riksis already had a replacement ready. I believe the entire reason that ketch landed on Venus was to bring a servitor on board and give Draksis New life, the old life of Riksis. Now, assuming that's true there's a special mission on patrol I'd like to bring to your attentio: collect ether sups. We are sent to collect these but why? Could it be that the vanguard knows that the fallen are actually wielding light like we do, but in a more physical way? Keep in mind what Zavala says.[quote]The fallen will find a way to survive, they always do.[/quote] Please, comment you're thoughts, I'm very open to criticism. And if you want to talk directly with wonderful people, join my clan the collective of knowledge. Thankyou for reading this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig!



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