So I heard it may be free but I also heard it may be $40. Why free? to redeem themselves from ripping us off 3 times
Oh yeah obviously it'll be showcased at E3 duh
I'm very interested in what comet may contain tbh
Put math to most of the comments found below: Most paid $60 for the game and another $35 for the DLC pack. Round it to a $100 for taxes. If you have played 10 hours of the game.. that is $10 and hour for entertainment. If you have played 100 hours ... $1/Hr. Most of the people that are voicing concerns of being ripped off have logged more than 100 hours in the game. Find me a form of electronic entertainment that affords you that much game play for less of an investment? I get it, they promised more and it feels "gutted", but in the same regard, very few have been truly ripped off. It has provided for some, hundreds of hours of entertainment. After that many hours.. how many titles would not feel exhausted? I get complaints about aspects of the game and gameplay, the connections, etc. But to claim they have been ripped off is overboard in my opinion. Step outside for a walk, balance your life with other activities.. the world does not revolve around a video game. And yes.. TDB was underwhelming.
Bungie did wrong with TDB. After house of wolves drops & because I already paid for it, I'd have to think really hard if I should even consider going forward with this game in the future. No one appreciates feeling ripped off and in this case, that's Bungie. I couldn't believe once I started playing TDB, I asked fellow players is it me or have we seen or done this map before?! Or the best question yet, did Bungie give us more story telling, when all in the chat room said at the same time, No!
It is gonna be sixty bucks. But because of that, I am not going to get it when it comes out (unless HoW just blows my mind or something, since I already paid for it). Nope, Bungie screwed up so hard with The Dark Below that they are not getting any more of my money until I see what I am buying. I will check it out, read the reviews, see what extra content there is, and if it is worth it, [u]then[/u] I will buy it.
Alright we will give them barely any new content, for almost a year, then for 40 bucks they can almost double their content! They'll all pay! And the best part is we've had this shit done for a year, we just cut most of the enemies from the disc to sell back to them later! IM RICH BEEYOTCH *rolls around in a pile of money*