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4/2/2015 7:53:18 PM

My Character Story and Character Lore

Ok, so today, I decided to scrap my second warlock for a titan because I got the ruin wings. Well, this will be my 5th character, and I wanted to put the story and lore of my characters down. I started with a warlock. Worked on him really well, then deleted him and started another warlock. Worked on that warlock until I started on another warlock to do weekly activities multiple times, switching armor back and forth. I soon recruited a hunter for Crota's End stuff, mainly soloing the lamps. Well, unluckily, I got a hunter helmet out of an exotic engram before I got that hunter. that's partially why I have a hunter, because I didn't want to scrap the helmet. It was a knucklehead radar. So, I continued working on my second warlock heavily, then began giving my third warlock armor of his own, and got everything on both warlocks going pretty good, then I scrapped crota's end armor from my warlocks to get the radiant shards, clutching it to make my hunter a level 32. I haven't played on my third warlock all too much, so I decided to make a titan. It's the only thing I haven't done. I have 13 exotic weapons, and 5 exotic armor pieces. Definitely making a titan. Now, the lore! As per Destiny's starting line, an unnamed fellow guardian is resurrected from the wastes. This awoken guardian doesn't recall his name and simply went by the call of Adam. Well, Adam was hard headed. Puns aside, it got him killed. Luckily, he already had a child on the way, which is heavily unlucky for the mother. The motehr gave birth to another awoken child. This child then grew up during the war times to become another warlock that fights for the Traveler. (my second warlock) Quin Redstar is his name. He fights with a head on his shoulders, valiantly, and persistence and patience are his best allies. He doesn't care if it's him alone in the dark. So long as he has a gun at his hip, he'll be fine. Quin Redstar fought for a good seven years for the traveler before meeting a human female by the name of Elizabeth. Elizabeth bore a human child which they named Hunter. He was the embodiment of the hunter, but turned out to be a warlock. Just imagine, a hunter in a warlock class. That ego, hardheadedness, and respect for his enemies...He fought three years, died in a hive ambush. Lydia is Hunter's daughter. He didn't waste time settling in with a lover, and even had been taking care of the child months before he began to fight for the Traveler. Lydia is a hunter. But with a mindset far from most hunters. Yeah, she may like to look good while putting down her enemies one after the other with deadly precision, but...she takes everything to heart. Her business isn't muddled by thinking nothing can stop her, or thinking she can kill anything that steps her way. She has a head on her shoulders that impresses the titans, catches the interest of the warlocks, and earns the respect of the hunters. In the time she spent fighting for the travel, a full fourteen years, she had risen to the ranks that are just below Cayde-6's own vanguard master title. He often jokes about her taking his place so that he can get back out there and into the field again, where he belongs. Lydia relies on her speed, knife, and precision. Should she miss a shot, she won't miss the next. To sum it all up, she's a badass without an ego the size of a mountain. She eventually settled with a warlock by the name of Dack. Together, they had a child that would grow up to be a titan. His name is Silver Rushwind Redstar. His part of the lore has yet to come.



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