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由Max編輯: 4/5/2015 10:21:43 PM


So yesterday my group and I decided the we would have no mercy on the battlefield and let the other team just have it b/c we can do stuff like that :). We ended up with a combined score of [b]148 kills[/b] in one crucible match, our goal was 150 so yeah we were just 2 kills shy but it was still an accomplishment. Take a look: Funny thing is that if you didn't notice when you looked at our stats already, take a look at the other team. Yeah thats right, the first group of six backed out half way through the match and another group of six became very unlucky lol, also another thing to look at would be the enemies stats again, nobody lived past 40secs except for 1 guy who most likely was camping his butt off trembling in fear of our wrath. With that said we welcome the Trials of Osiris with open arms and petty anyone who faces the [b]MAYHEMRIDERS[/b] :). P.S. if you have clan stats that are close or better than ours post the link I would love to see Also if you are a good crucible player and looking for a clan then send me a message my name is [b]Maxkill1[/b]. My link:



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