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由GOTsomeHATERADE編輯: 4/18/2015 11:28:15 PM


Jk, -blam!- everyone who says shit like that. I have more respect for you if you bought weapons from xur and here's why... People who "earn" stuff from RNG do this by: -Completing the nightfall (15-20 mins) -Killing the Death singer (5 minutes) -Killing Crota (5-10 mins) -Opening VoG chest (20 seconds) -Killing Atheon (5-10 minutes) -Getting lucky in crucible or strikes (10 mins) -Being carried/AFK in pve -Going negative as shit in pvp People who "xurn" stuff do this by: Completing 2-3 level ~30 weekly heroics (15-20 mins) Getting lucky means you didn't work for it so that isn't earning. The most amount of time to complete one of the many ways to possibly receive an exotic is 20 minutes. The amount of time it takes to get enough coins to buy an exotic from xur is between 40 minutes to an hour. Add about 10 minutes worth of loading time and switching characters/weapons. I'd say playing for 50 minutes to an hour means you worked harder than the guy that spent 20 minutes and got lucky. In any case, the guy that put in more time for a guaranteed result earned it, not the guy that got lucky. TL;DR: Xurners are actually the real earners Edit: Added bullets for going AFK and going negative. Also, feel free to check out my montage and why I love NLB! Edit 2: it's funny seeing replies from people that don't read before they comment. We've all been there and I will not fire back in a mean way unless you take your comment too far :) Edit 3: Wow over 200 replies. Keep em coming so all the earners>xurners see this Edit 4: Over 500 replies!! Thanks guys keep em coming!



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