I'm not sure this is the proper place to put this, but perhaps someone can help me out:
I've completed my Nightfalls and Raids this week, and gotten a couple of No Land Beyonds and some Legendary gear/materials from them. Yesterday when I logged into Destiny, I randomly received a MIDA Multi-Tool. I already have one and had initially assumed that it was simply popping up on-screen from the day before, when I swapped it via Destiny Item Manager during a Raid. However, when I accessed my inventory to tweak my loadout, I discovered an extra MIDA in my primary weapon inventory.
I don't remember it popping up on-screen during the rewards portion of the Raid, and I know I didn't receive it from a Nightfall this week. So my question is: Is it possible that I received this weapon by mistake?
If so, I've placed it in my vault for safekeeping, so that it can be removed by the developers as needed.
If the raid you did was Crota - I have noticed exotics being awarded at Crota, but not appearing in the weapons on the right side of the awards feed.
If it's in your inventory, and you didn't do anything improper to get it, congrats on your new Multi Tool!