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4/26/2015 11:50:14 AM

Can you fix the servers on ps3 and xbox 360

I keep getting disconnected from the every time i play please fix it is really pissing me off that i can't play my favorite game because your severs suck for old gen I keep getting kicked from my activities such as bounties strikes daily weekly and nightfalls ex I kept getting kicked during the nightfall and I got kicked when my team was all down and it kicked me and I was popping a heavy and went to revive one of my friends I got kicked and it kicked me again during the daily I was at the end and then I got kicked. This is really annoying so can anyone fix it or am I screwed until FiOS comes or till I get a ps4 because it seems most people are getting kicked on last gen consoles but people with current gen its just fine and they have like 1mbs internet while I have 25mbs internet so the problem is on your guys end not mine cause I can play any other game on multiplayer just fine its only destiny but I don't want to stop because before the problems started happening I could always be online just fine and I love it. I love it so much I'm going to a specialized school for software and game design so I can hopefully work with you guys on the second half of destiny 2 or destiny 3 which ever is out at the time. So can you please fix whatever is wrong. For me and the part your community that are still on last gen🙏 PS for error codes I get it like all of them the entire zoo



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  • 由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 4/26/2015 11:59:55 AM
    Hey prborg, if you get that much and different error codes, it's most likely on your end. Destiny's servers are working fine, and many people, even on old gen like I am, are having little to none disconnects. I suggest you checking out the [url=][b]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/b][/url] to proper configure your home network. If you still have issues after configuring your network, type in the error code you get here: [url=][b][/url][/b]. [i]If[/i] you still have issues after that, feel free to make a new thread in the #Help-Forums, along with specific details of your errors.



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  • Just breathe!



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