More guns, more problems. Right?
Take away guns, all it does is remove a medium. For example, in Soviet Russia a nation-wide ban on guns was issued. It was successful by removing gun violence and ownership. However, violent crimes still came close or equaled to the gun-saturated United States at the time because people simply used other weapons. In the United States, Chicago is also a prime example. Since the implementation of gun control laws, the city hasn't drastically changed gun ownership and still remains one of the most dangerous cities in America. Another point I felt is worth mentioning are the Columbine and Virginia Tech shooters. The teenagers at Columbine managed to get weapons from a woman who bought it for them, and Seung-Hui Cho passed a mental background check when he bought his guns even though he had been labeled mentally unstable beforehand.
So what do you say, Flood? Does gun control work?
Did the probation work? It raised crime rates instead of lowering them.
This would do likewise.
Im a Texan, if you think you can take my states guns then COME AND TAKE IT.
That is all