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由Boen1972編輯: 5/13/2015 4:46:04 AM

PS4 Permanent Fireteam

I'm looking for a permanent fireteam (5 other people) to do raids, nightfall, pvp, etc for PS4. I have a mic and usually play during 10:30am - 2:00pm eastern time any day. I'm a level 31 warlock both sub classes maxed out. Just missing some radiant shards to get to level 32. I mainly use: vex mythoclast, icebreaker, and hunger of crota. Still praying to get my gjallahorn :P I'm a college student. Super friendly :)



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  • [b]Armchair Raiders[/b] are looking for people to join the clan ([b]PS4[/b]). We're only a small group & intended on keeping it that way. We only want a max of 18 members. We play all content of PvE (weekly heroic, nightfall, strikes, raids, etc). To join you must be 18+ & from Australia.



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