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5/17/2015 7:51:25 PM

"The Tank" A True Defender build

Perks: 1st Column: Any 2nd Column: Any 3rd Column: Any 4th Column: Unbreakable for solo oriented play or gift of light for a team player. 5th Column: Titan Codex I(Battle Recovery and Toughness) 6th Column: Relentless 7th Column: Titan Codex V 8th Column: Untouchable(More armour and more frequent WoD) Armor: No Backup Plans Have the rest of armour focus on intellect and strength MAKE SURE to max out your strength, intellect is not ad important. With this setup your Force Barrier lasts 25 Seconds and can regenerate constantly with the unbreakable perk choice. If your strength is maxed out then your melee will be ready to go in a second or two after force barrier ends. If you want to be even more insane you could combine this with Monte Carlo for even more active shields...



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