Thread for discussion, problems, questions, reviews, etc.
So far I'm loving this game! I played through most of Witcher 2, and 3 is a definite improvement!
I'm only about an hour in so far, but I like what I see.
Only problem I've ran into is some frame rate drops during cutscenes. Otherwise I've had no problems at all.
What do you guys think?
Also, for those who haven't bought it yet, do it!!!
so, most of you have finished the game by now, what do you think?
[b]EDIT 2[/b]
Now that the first DLC is out, what do yall think of it? I haven't played it yet, but I've heard it is pretty good.
I both am loving and hating this game. I am playing on PC so it runs and looks beautiful, especially in full stereoscopic 3d. The combat system is much improved over witcher 2 and is a lot of fun. I have a sweet alchemist/melee build going. What I hate though is that I've easily put 100+ hours in, I'm only level 20 and I just got to skellige. After spending so much time going everywhere in velen having an even larger, really difficult to navigate map thrown at me is overwhelming. I hate being a completionist!
I have an issue right now. The innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads gives out some really good Nilfgaardian Gwent cards. Problem is, he only sells me a decoy card, and he doesn't play Gwent. Anyone know how I am supposed to get these cards?
Thought about buying it. Then I saw a ton of things I didn't like in gameplay footage and decided against it.
Once started with 3 weather cards in gwent, then when I went to redraw 2 cards I got 2 more weather cards.. worst game I ever played lol. Is there a app for gwent? Addicted to it now.
I keep getting destroyed in gwent, but on another note, werewolves are godly hard to kill
Thinking about buying the game. Mostly because it reminds me of Skyrim. Should I do it?
由deƒault編輯: 6/13/2015 7:28:05 AMJust finished it today. First run I got the sad ending where [spoiler]ciri dies and Geralt sitting in the orphanage hut holding Vesemir's/Ciri's medallion. The shot zoomed out with ghouls and drowners surrounding the hut and Geralt alone. [/spoiler] That was depressing so depressing that it made me play the game over and beat it a second time to where I got [spoiler]Ciri becomes a witcher[/spoiler] Love the game playing Witcher 1 now, Geralt looks so different and not in a good way lol.
Does anyone know if there is an App to play Gwent on the go? I'm addicted to that card game 😌
由Retro_Spective編輯: 6/13/2015 1:53:15 PMI cleared the Witcher 3 yesterday. Awesome game, definitely recommend a buy. Spoiler has a game ending. [spoiler]I got the ending with Ciri as a witcher :)[/spoiler]
I just beat the game. [spoiler]I got the ending where you and Ciri run off as Witchers together, but I kind of screwed up real bad on romancing either Triss or Yen. And I didn't assassinate Radovid. The good news is that I saved just before Now or Never! Though the bad thing about that is that I loose a lot of progress. What would you say is the best ending?[/spoiler]
由Dirty Synth 002編輯: 6/12/2015 4:37:28 PMThis video will tell you every bad part about the game and every good part about the game. I know people have different opinions but this guy isn't lying when he says it's the best game of the year so far. Oh and I found a money glitch for those of you who know how shit the prices are on selling and buying things. I'm up to $60k and I never have gone below 40. [url][/url]
Can I stick with light armor or should I go heavy. Idk how it works compared to DS, but I'm staying light because it improves stamina regen? But I'm not really sure how much it impedes regen because I don't have heavy yet. Just learned not rolling too much really improves stamina regen!
Talk to dwarves every now and then. They might say something like: [i]"You're a -blam!-in' Dainklage!"[/i]
This is -blam!-ing bullshit right here. -blam!- im pissed right now. Got hit with the XP bug, so I lost 5 hours worth of quest xp today. Guess i have to wait for the patch to hit sometime next week before I start this game again. I won't even -blam!-ing remember anything god dammit CDPR how does shit like this get past QA
While you don't have to play the previous games to play 3, there are small touches that are very cool if you have. Then again, you'll get a lot of these things inside 3, also, if you're paying attention. Because it's obvious the writers paid a lot of attention. The thing i just find that made me a little melancholy? [spoiler]The dried up Rose of Remembrance at Triss's house. Haven't found Triss yet (haven't looked much harder), but that was a nice touch.[/spoiler]
A few days ago, I reached level 36 fighting nothing but monsters. Totally worth it. I had to do part of the story to get some items in places I was going to save for later. I'm going to finish Skellige first, then Novigrad. If that makes me miss stuff in Velen, so be it.
I got it yesterday Started playing it a couple of hours ago on death march difficulty.... It's so hardddd