So who else is plaing Witcher 3 instead of destiny?
Man could they have picked a worse time to release that expansion?
That's a rhetorical question, because everyone is playing the Witcher 3. It's the only properly good game to be release in the past few months on consoles besides Bloodborne
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I am. I only turn destiny on for an hour just to get the nightfall and weekly heroic in, then I pop the Witcher 3 in, and forget about my ill begotten destiny addiction
I couldn't even handle watching the gameplay. The lines and music were extremely cheesy, imo.
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Dude witcher is amazing.. I just got to vezina but I'm only level 4 I did all quests didn't go to every point of interest but looking like I have quests at level 10 and 15 there. It takes a long time to level up since you get most xp from quests and what not. Almost have to farm to get to the next level bc my quest recommends level 5 and I'm almost 5. Love the game though
Between Destiny, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2 and Far Cry 4. I'm having a hard time staying away from DaS2. I did finally beat it, but I'm still bashing my head against the DLC. If only I hadn't bought Bloodborne, I wouldn't have gotten addicted to the whole series, which I had managed to avoid until March. Now I'm not saying that being addicted to the Souls games, but darn it if they don't make the combat in every other melee game feel like a steaming pile of bleh. Both Witcher 3 and Shadow Of Mordor feel awkward and hard to control.
I downloaded the available DLC, but only the Yen alt look is showing... Anyone else encounter this?
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Did house of wolves missions haven't bothered doing Poe yet cause I couldn't wait any longer to play witcher 3 very gd move on my part